Dean Pamela Brown

Ph.D., P.E, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Co-PI

Dean Brown is a chemical engineer, senior faculty member, and college administrator deeply committed to improving the lives of City Tech students and faculty. She is currently the PI of NSF Proposal #0622493 titled Metropolitan Mentors: (MMNet): Growing an Urban STEM Talent Pool across New York City, 1/07-12/11 through which she has built an extensive professional network in STEM that includes opportunities for both students and faculty to do research across CUNY. This project includes development of interdisciplinary summer bridge courses for engineering technology and science students, undergraduate research opportunities, and mentoring by City Tech alumni STEM graduate students from across CUNY. Dean Brown has been the PI on six PSC-CUNY grants, an NSF WPA Workshop Chemistry dissemination grant, five American Chemical Society SEED grants as well as Project Director on three NYS Dept. of Education Perkins VTEA grants in 2005-6. As Co-PI, Dean Brown provides a leadership role in the sharing of qualitative and quantitative outcomes with City Tech faculty, chairs, and senior staff.

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