Retreat – September 11, 2009

A day-long event was held in September 2009 in the Faculty Commons to introduce City Tech I-Cubed Incubator and bring together leaders of all City Tech STEM grants. Case studies were discussed and working groups collaborated to discuss model of laboratory learning, external partners, the role of visualization and online activities. A presentation was by Tammie Cumming, AIR Director and Dr. Costanza Eggers-Piérola, project external evaluator on Assessment and Evaluation. At the end, Provost Bonne August noted that the enthusiasm at this event was fruitful beyond her imagination. The group did not have all the answers but asked the right questions, it was a great beginning for the project.

The working groups posted discussion notes on a blog during the retreat. The discussion notes are results of the 25-30 minute breakout sessions. They were posted in real time and presented to the entire group for further conversation. They are available at

Provost August’s summary speech of the event can be viewed at


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